JR-200 Emulator VJR-200 for Windows

VJR200 title1 VJR200 title2

  VJR-200 is an emulator of Panasonic JR-200 (Japanese model). However, some of JR-200U software work with VJR-200. English menu and message are available.

Operation Environment
Key Definition
Status Bar
Menu (Operation Manual)

VJR-200 for Android is here

JR2Rescue - WAV to CJR, CJR to WAV, etc converter is here.


  The following software was used for VJR-200 for Windows.

X88000 (https://quagma.sakura.ne.jp/manuke/x88000.html)
Manuke Station

* BSD 3 Clause License

MAME (http://www.mame.net/)
copyright-holders: Nicola Salmoria, Aaron Giles

cereal (https://uscilab.github.io/cereal/) LICENSE
copyright-holders: Randolph Voorhies, Shane Grant

* Zlib License

TinyXML-2 (https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2)
copyright-holder: Lee Thomason

Operation Environment

Until V1.5.2 - Windows Vista SP2 and later

V1.6.1 and later - Windows 10 and 11

Because it uses Direct2D, it does not work on Windows XP.


2025.1.15 - Version 1.8.2

* Binary

32bit https://github.com/find-jr200/VJR200forWindows/releases/download/V1.8.2/VJR200_182_win32.zip  (213KB)

64bit https://github.com/find-jr200/VJR200forWindows/releases/download/V1.8.2/VJR200_182_win64.zip  (241KB)

* Source code

find-jr200/VJR200forWindows (github.com)

  Up to version 1.6.1 can be built with Visual Studio 2015 Community, and after 1.7.1 it can be built with Visula studio 2022 Community. Version 1.3.1 and later require cereal V 1.2.2 (https://uscilab.github.io/cereal/). Please download and deploy this library,  add cereal-1.2.2\include\ to the include path of Visual Studio.

former version (Japanese page)


2025.1.15 - Version 1.8.2

2025.1.4 - Version 1.8.1

2024.1.3 - Version 1.7.3

2023.7.2 - Version 1.7.2

2023.6.4 - Version 1.7.1

2022.10.22 - Version 1.6.1

2021.6.27 Version 1.5.2

2021.3.7 Version 1.5.1

2020.12.10 Version 1.4.2

 Watch view in debug window was improved.

2020.11.8 Version 1.4.1

1. enhanced the debugging function.

2. CJR files can be dragged and dropped. You can drop up to 10 files at the same time, all files are "Quick Loaded".

3. Some keyboard accelerators have been changed.

4. "File - Save CJR" menu has been removed.


1.  Extract ROM and font from actual machine.

MSAVE "ROM1",$A000,$BFFF (file size 8192byte)
MSAVE "ROM2",$E000,$FFFF (file size 8192byte)
MSAVE "FONT",$D000,$D7FF (file size 2048byte)

If you have a FDD system

MSAVE "CAS1:FDDROM",$D800,$DFFF (file size 2048byte)

Please convert it to BIN file with JR2Rescue.

* JR2Rescue is free software that converts WAV files recorded with programs on JR-200 to CJR format and other formats. Download is here.

Please check that the file size is correct. Since it checks the file size, it can not be registered unless it is incorrect.

2.  Merge ROM files.


  It does not work if the order of combining is reversed. Check the file size after joining should be 16384 bytes.

3.  Visual C++ 2015 - 2022 redistributable package is required. Please install it if not installed.

32bit runtime https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe

64bit runtime https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe


1. Extract vjr200_xxx.zip and place VJR200.exe, VJR200_jp. dll, VJR200_en.dll in the same folder. Even if you only use English, VJR 200_en.dll is necessary. It will not work with VJR 200.exe alone.

VJR200.exe  Executable file
VJR200_jp.dll  Japanese resource file
VJR200_en.dll  English resource file

  You can create a folder under Program Files, but other place may be better. By the way, the setting file is placed under AppData\local\FIND_JR\VJR-200\ of the user folder.

2. When starting for the first time, ROM and font file are not set, so this screen will appear.

3. Set each file in [Tool] - [ROM, FONT file setting] dialog, end VJR-200 once and re-execute.

4. For English keyboard, please change [Option - Emulator - keyboard] setting to English.


Key Definition

(Japanese letters)
BREAK Esc or F11
Back Slash Key


Documents SAVE, MSAVE (CJR, JR2)
Memory dump (dump.bin)

Status Bar

It is the name of the file mounted,  the state of the remote terminal (ON/OFF), read/write (R/W), time counter  from the left.

It is as follows during loading.

  When using FDD, from the left, the tape mount file, the image of drive 1, the image of drive 2. The far right is the FDD access lamps.


Mount CJR, JR2

  Mount the CJR or JR2 file.

* What's JR2 Format

See about JR2 Format

Quick Load CJR

  Please be careful as this is a dangerous feature. BASIC, Machine language files are written directly to memory. Therefore, although it ends in a moment, inconvenience may occur because it writes to the thing which it was executing so far. It is recommended to reset before using. Also, you can not use it when executing LOAD from the program (many commercial products for JR-200U).

It is possible to use LOAD, MLOAD manually as a possible case. Multiple LOAD, MLOAD can be executed repeatedly.

  As a common failure, if you manipulate the menu without Ready immediately after resetting, you will not be able to execute it properly because it reads in the state that initialization of JR-200 is not finished.


  CJR files can also be dragged and dropped. You can drop up to 10 files at the same time, all files are "Quick Loaded".


  Unmount the CJR and JR2 files.

New JR2 file

Create a new JR2 file.

JR2 Next
JR2 Prev

Cue the next or previous program, data. Only JR2 file is valid.

* NOTICE * It may not be possible to cue with special format files.

Go to Top

Move to the beginning of the tape. Both CJR and JR 2 are valid.

Printer Page Feed

When the printer output is set to PNG and "automatic page feed" is turned off, it is manually output as page feed = PNG file. If nothing is printed, it will not be output.

Quick Type

  It reads a text file containing BASIC code and automatically inputs it to the emulator. Automatically maximizes the CPU clock only while it is being input and returns to its original state when finished. Up to 65536 bytes of text file can be read. To stop inputting in the middle, press Esc.

  If you get an error during input, please slow down "quick type speed" in option dialog.

Save Memory Image

Write the image of the memory in the document folder with the name "dump.bin".

Load Debugging Label File

  Load the definition file for converting the address displayed in the disassembe window into a string. The file must be created in the following format.

Label Name (within 20 chars) One or more spaces or tabs Address (Hex 0 - FFFF, without "0x")
CLS ec7f

Save State, Load State

 State saves are saved in association with files only when the FDD system is disabled and tape-compatible files (CJR, JR2) are mounted.  Up to 9 state files while mounting the file abc.cjr are saved in the same folder with the name abc.cjr_0.sta. 

  State data for other states (no mounted tape support file or FDD system enabled) is saved under AppData\local\FIND_JR\VJR-200\ with a name such as nomount_0.sta.  It is worth noting that all state savings when using "Quick Load" share data without mounting. If you want to divide the state file for each game, please mount -> LOAD, MLOAD without using Quick loading. If you need more than two files, we recommend that you convert it to JR2 (CJR changes the file to be linked depending on load order).

Recent Files

The first ten pieces show the files used in "Mount CJR, JR2", the last ten pieces show the files used in "Quick Load CJR".


Disk Image

  Select the D20 file and assign the image to two drives. To boot DISK BASIC, assign the system disk to drive 1 and reset VJR-200 ([File]-[Reset]).

* D20 files have the same format as D88 files.

Detach FDD System

  If the VJR-200 has an FDD expansion ROM file registered, it will try to boot from the FD assuming that the FDD system is connected. Check this and reboot if you want to boot with the main unit's ROM BASIC while registering the expansion ROM.


1x - 5x

  Change window size.

Full Screen

  It displays in full screen. To cancel full screen Alt + Enter or double click.

Square Pixel, Video Output Aspect

  Since the width of the video output of the JR-200 actual machine has been reduced by 15%, it is "Video Output Aspect" to reproduce it. However, pixels may not be integral multiples, which makes it difficult to see. It is recommended to use 3 times or full screen with smoothing.


  Sets whether or not to smooth.


 rorate screen 90, 180, 270 degrees. 

Printer LED, Status Bar

Sets whether or not to display printer LED icon, status bar.


Graph Keyboard

  Displays a virtual keyboard for entering graph characters.

Romaji Kana Input

  During Katakana mode, "Romaji to Katakana transfer input"  is enabled. However, when the program acquires the character code of Katakana with real-time key scan (PICK, STICK), it will not operate properly. In that case please input usual Katakana.


  Up to 10 fixed phrases can be registered and entered by pressing the keys 1, 2, 3, ...... 9, 0 (numeric keypad not allowed) or by double-clicking on an item. The return key is represented by \r and multiple lines can be entered(max 80 characters).

Forced Joystick Mode

  Make it possible to operate games that only support keyboard operation with the joypad. Specifically, it converts the input of the joypad on Windows to the cursor key and up to two keys (space key, X, Z, etc.) input. Therefore, it is not practical to use software that uses three or more keys in addition to the cursor keys. Please note that not all games can be operated.

  Before using this mode, you first need to assign the appropriate Joypad buttons to the A and B buttons in the Joypad settings. For the method of key assignment, refer to option dialog - joypad item.

  Turning on forced joystick mode is not saved (key assignments are saved). Please set it each time it starts up.

Debug Window


 * Previously, you had to press SET when setting a breakpoint, but since versioin 1.4.1, changes are automatically applied when you change the checkbox or press Enter in the edit box (i.e. when the focus is moved).

Break Point

 You can step by step while displaying the contents of the registers of the CPU and peripheral chip MN1271. You can also set breakpoints. You can temporarily disable a breakpoint by unchecking the checkbox to the right of the edit box.

* A breakpoint cannot be set on the next instruction of CLI or SEI. This is by design.


 At the bottom IRQ, you can specify whether to generate TCA - TCF IRQ during step execution. If you uncheck it, IRQ will not occur only during step execution. However, even if IRQ is checked, interrupt processing will not be executed unless the interrupt flag($C81E - $C81F) is set.

  Even if the debug window is opened, this specification has no effect during normal execution.

Read/Write Break

  When the specified address (range specification is possible) is read/written, it breaks. The address of the read/write instruction is displayed in "Break Address". "R/W Address" has "R" for Read and "W" for Write after the address.

  Check the "R" checkbox if you want to break when reading, and check the "W" checkbox if you want to break when writing.

  Specify the range as follows: A < B

A (blank) OK
(blank) A ERROR

 "Watch" displays 1-byte or 2-byte area in list form. However, the value of the watch only changes when stopping at a breakpoint or when you press the step execution. Therefore, the value may not match the constantly updated memory window.

  If you want to delete a watching item, right click and select context menu "Delete", or select the item and press delete key.

Jump History

Display the jump history. For NMI and IRQ, "i" is displayed to the right of the address.

Memory Window

  Display the memory contents in real time.

Disassemble Window

  Disassemble and display the code of the execution position. You can not move to other address.

The first line is the address of the previous execution, and the underlined line is the next address to be executed.

  Sometimes things like NA (***) are displayed in mnemonic. Although this is an undefined area of ​​MN1800A in terms of specification, it is inferred that it is actually executed as an instruction in parentheses. Since it is a personal analysis to the last, there is a possibility of being wrong.

FPS, CPU Speed

  Display FPS and CPU speed in the title bar.

Set ROM, Font Files

  Specify the ROM file and Font file required for execution.  If you have a FDD system, specify FDD expansion ROM.


* Language

  Switch the menu and message language to Japanese or English. In the case of Auto, only Japan is Japanese according to user locale ID (LCID), otherwise it is English.

* Keyboard

  For English keyboard, please change [Option - Emulator - keyboard] setting to English.

* Refresh Rate

  Because the VJR-200 operates with reference to VSYNC, if the vertical synchronization frequency can not be correctly acquired, the execution speed will be out of order. In that case, uncheck the automatic setting and manually set it.

* Quick Type Speed

  Quick type Input speed can be set from 10ms to 100ms. Please delay it if an error occurs.

* Raise clock only when SAVE, LOAD

  Only when SAVE and LOAD, CPU clock is set to 1000% so that it can process at high speed. When finished, it returns to the original clock.
 From V1.8.1, to avoid swashbuckler load errors, enabling this option will reduce the clock consumption of each 6800 instruction by 2 clocks per instruction only during SAVE and LOAD.

* When recording stops, blank is added (JR2; Required or PRINT#)

  When recording to the JR2 format, 500 byte blank is added every time a stop command is issued to the remote terminal. This is necessary to successfully read PRINT# data. You can uncheck it if you do not use PRINT#.


* CPU Clock

  You can specify from 50% to 1000%. There may be inconvenience if you change too much.

* RAM Expansion

  If you change the ROM of $ A000 to $ BFFF to RAM, it will be in the same state as when MON was executed.

* RAM Initial Pattern

 RAM Initial pattern can be selected from the following two types.

(1) FF FF 00 00 FF FF 00 00

Repeat "FF FF 00 00 FF FF 00 00" and "00 00 FF FF 00 00 FF FF" every 256 bytes from address n000.

(2) 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF

Repeat "00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF" and "FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00" every 128 bytes from address n000.


* Stereo Balance

  You can set left and right pan for each channel. Since TCF is used for SOUND statement and warning sound, it is recommended to set it to the center and set the TCC and TCD to swing left and right.

* Buffer Write Interval

  You can specify the writing interval of DirectSound buffer from 1/100s to 1/50s. The initial value is 1/60s. The smaller the value, the smaller the delay, but depending on the environment the operation may become unstable or abnormally terminate.

  If it does not start normally, delete vjr200.ini (if it exists) and vjr200.xml in (user folder)\AppData\Local\FIND_JR\VJR 200\ (all settings are initialized). Or delete vjr200.ini (if it exists) and change the following item in vjr200.xml


* Background Play

 It continues playing even when the window becomes inactive.


* Output

  When set to RAW, data written to the printer output port is output without being filtered.

* Maker

Set the printer model. Valid only for RAW output.

* Auto Page Feed (PNG only)

  In the case of PNG output, when there is no data output for 500 ms, judge it to end and page forward to output PNG file. Then, if problems occur, or if you want to group hard copies and lists into one image, uncheck and manually page forward with [File] - [Printer Page Feed].


* Button mode

  It is recommended that you set it to 1 button except when using software corresponding to 2 buttons.

* Button Assignment

  It does not need to be set when using with 1 button.

* Forced joystick mode

  When using this mode, you need to assign appropriate Joypad buttons to A and B buttons of 1P in the Joypad setting. Button mode itself may be left as 1 button.

  After assigning, press the A button on the dialog and press the key on the keyboard you wish to assign. Next, register the B button in the same way.

  Forced joystick mode works the same way even if button mode is 1 button or 2 buttons.